Published inGo For Punks!Importing private repos from GithubOne approach for your projects is create libs and share it for each application. This reduce the time spent to create a new project and…Feb 4, 2022Feb 4, 2022
Published inGo For Punks!Handle zap log messages in a testZap is one of the most used log libraries for Golang. It is easy, rich and faster, but how to handle the messages logged from zap in our…Jun 8, 20212Jun 8, 20212
Great explanation Morten!In my green field projects I make a little bit different.Apr 6, 20211Apr 6, 20211
Published inGo For Punks!How to test functions that use time.Now()Using a functional paradigm to make a testable functionMar 15, 20211Mar 15, 20211
Explicando a eleição de Porto Alegre em uma partida de futebolHoje teremos uma grande partida de futebol, 2 grandes times.Dec 2, 2020Dec 2, 2020
O Manifesto Ágil em tempos de pandemiaComo está o teu “agile” em tempos de pandemia?Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020